Ration Card DBT Status: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah launched the direct benefit transfer as part of the Anna Bhagya program on Monday, July 10, 2023, at https://ahara.kar.nic.in/. While millions of additional people have been left out temporarily, this measure is expected to provide assistance to 1.06 crore ration cardholders in the state. According to the Karnataka Ration Card DBT Status, around 22 lakh families below the poverty line will not receive immediate aid due to a shortage of bank accounts. The state administration has announced the distribution of an additional five kilograms of rice, but instead, it is sending money (₹170 per month) to the beneficiary’s bank accounts.
Ration Card DBT Status Karnataka
The “Anna Bhagya” scheme, initiated by the government, provides subsidized rice to underprivileged families in Karnataka. Under the program in 2023, an additional 5 kilograms of rice equivalent in monetary value is directly transferred to the bank accounts of eligible beneficiaries. This direct benefit transfer (DBT) is known as “Antyodaya Anna Yojana and Priority Household Ration Card DBT Status.” Karnataka has a total of 1.28 crore ration cards under this scheme, and 99.9% of these cards are linked to Aadhaar numbers. Out of these, 82% or 1.06 crore cards are connected to active bank accounts.
How to check Ration Card DBT Status Karnataka?
1. To check ration card DBT status Karnataka visit the official website ahara.kar.nic.in .
2. Now click on e-services from the main menu
3. Now go to the sidebar and click on e status
4. Click on DBT Status, now you will be redirected to the new page
5. Now click on your district/division link to check the DBT status
6. A new page will open with “DBT Status” written on it. Click on it.
7. Now select year and month then enter your RC Number (RC ನಂ)
8. Fill captcha code and click on the ‘Go’ button.
Now your Ration Card DBT Status will be displayed on your screen.
How to check Anna Bhagya Scheme DBT Payment Status?
1. Visit the official website of the Karnataka State Food Commission ahara.kar.nic.in .
2. Now Look for the DBT portal on the website. It is usually listed under the “Schemes” or “Beneficiaries” section.
3. Now Select the Anna Bhagya Scheme and access the DBT site and search for the “Anna Bhagya” scheme.
4. Provide the required information on the portal, such as your ration card number, Aadhaar number, or registered mobile number.
5. After filling out the form, click on “Submit” or “Check Status” to view the status of your cash transfer.
The official portal of Anna Bhagya Scheme Karnataka will be displayed the status of your cash transfer under the Anna Bhagya scheme.
For Ration Card DBT Status Official Website Click Here